How to Quit Smoking and Reclaim Your Life?

India is the 2nd globally and the 1st in the WHO South-East Asia Region to have the highest number of smokers, accounting for roughly 253.0 million people in 2022. Being one of the most damaging addictions, quitting smoking is an equally challenging experience.
However, you have to understand that quitting smoking is one of the best things you will do for your health and your future. But the common lingering question is, “How do I quit smoking?” Surprisingly, there are numerous effective ways to achieve that, and Ryze’s products help you achieve that more proactively.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the details of quitting smoking and reclaiming your life.
Why Is Smoking So Hard to Quit?
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substance found in cigarettes. When you smoke, nicotine gets absorbed into your bloodstream, reaching your brain within seconds. This, in turn, triggers the release of dopamine, also known as the “feel good” hormone, that offers pleasure and relaxation.
So, when you are addicted to smoking, you are addicted to the release of this neurotransmitter, which makes you feel “at peace.” Suddenly quitting smoking has adverse effects on the body, leading to cravings and withdrawal symptoms, which can be hard to overcome.
How to Quit Smoking?
Quitting smoking is not something you should attempt on a whim. It requires careful planning and a strong commitment, primarily if you have cultivated the habit over several years.
1. Start with a Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine, which is the primary addictive element in cigarettes, is what causes smoking addiction in the first place. So, if you are trying to quit smoking, finding effective nicotine replacement therapy is quintessential.
Ryze is one of the Best Nicotine Gums in the market, which is easy on the throat, has multiple flavor options and has a premium soft chew texture. Whenever you have the urge to smoke, popping in a Ryze gum allows you to put a stop to your ill habit and reclaim your life.
Using Ryze is simple. You start chewing the gum until you get the taste of nicotine, pause, put the gum between your cheek and gum, and once the nicotine taste subsides, start chewing again. It is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking.
2. Identify and Avoid your Triggers
Around 56% of Indian smokers believe that smoking is a tool to help them manage stress and pressure in life. If you are among them, chances are that picking up a cigarette for you is usually triggered by some kind of external factor. It could be due to stress at work, at home, feeling uneasy and anxious, or many other things.
You might feel peer pressured into smoking at parties or when you are out with friends. When you are on your recovery journey, trying to quit this habit, the key is to find out what’s triggering the issue and then avoid those triggers at all costs. Don’t set yourself up in situations that might cause a relapse.
3. Switch to Physical Activities
Surprisingly, physical activities act as a great distraction from tobacco cravings. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown resistance training or extensive lifting. It can be light or short bursts of activities like running, jogging, or brisk walking.
If you work from home and have little time to yourself, consider opting for activities that can be done at home. For example, yoga and breathing exercises or light exercises like deep knee bends and squats can also help you stay active and keep nicotine cravings in check.
4. Have a “Quitting” Date
As humans, we often chase goals. Having something to “look forward to” makes the journey easier and keeps us motivated to stay on track. So, when you are looking for ways how to quit cigarettes, one thing that you can do is start with prep work. This involves setting a “Quitting Date” for your smoking habit.
Depending on what you are comfortable with, it can be one or two weeks into the future. Once you have a date set, let your close friends, family, or your accountability partner know of that date. On the night before the specified date, throw away all your smoking supplies. Think of it as going cold turkey with your smoking habit.
5. Prepare for the Withdrawal Symptoms
One of the main reasons why people have a hard time quitting smoking is because of withdrawal symptoms. When you have smoked consistently for months or years, ditching the habit suddenly and out of the blue will have physiological symptoms, withdrawal being one of them. Most people experiencing “nicotine withdrawal” describe the symptoms as a feeling of emptiness and despair.
However, this is the hard part you must work through if you want to prioritize your well-being in the long run. The symptoms usually last for a few days, right after quitting, but if you have coping strategies, it should be a lot easier to navigate those complications.
6. Let Go of the “One Last Cigarette” Perception
When you successfully quit smoking, thinking about “just one” cigarette isn’t going to help with the solution but prolong the complication. You have to ingrain into your mind that a cigarette will only help you feel good momentarily but infiltrate your health with lifelong complications. That’s how addiction works – Picking up one “last” cigarette.
So, once you are on your journey to quit smoking, stop thinking about the “one last cigarette won’t hurt” philosophy. It might derail your entire progress, upturning all the hard work you have likely put into making this ill habit in your life a thing of the past.
Ready to Quit Smoking?
Quitting smoking is one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions you can make. It requires determination, planning, and support, but the benefits are worth the effort. If you consider taking that first step towards quitting smoking, Ryze can be your partner.
Take up our 21-day Challenge to Break the Habit. Feel the urge? Pick up Ryze Gum until the craving lasts.